Blowing out the cobwebs

Weather today is sunny, cold and WINDY !! Too bad we don't have a windmill, we'd be all set for energy for quite a while :). Someday we will have the windmill, and we'll be one step closer to being off the grid !

Cats are napping, and it sure seems like a good idea to me...and I'm sure at some point in the next few hours I'll be doing the same, but I guess I should get a few things done today first, right ?

Yesterday we were successful in finding me a very cool piece of jewelry, as I knew we would be. It is not a locket however, it is a HUGE piece of Amber ( yellow) in a hand made setting, with a really cool hand made chain. Dan ( our jeweler) told me that it is probably turn of the century (20th) and from Poland most likely. It's not worth tons of money or anything, but I really like it because it is OLD and Unusual !! We had a nice visit with him, hadn't seen him for awhile, and I got to help him with some jewelry-he had a pearl necklace that was all tangled up that I got untangled while we were standing there visiting, it was fun, like a puzzle.

After the jeweler we headed back towards home and stopped at our local coney island type restaurant, Mama Vicky's for brunch. We like to patronize them because they bring their cars to Joe to fix, the food is like homemade, and the WHOLE restaurant is smoke free !!! I can not tell you how much we love that. I hate going out to eat and leaving the restaurant stinking like smoke !! DISGUSTING !! Not to mention having to breathe that pollution in while your eating. When will Michigan ban smoking in public places damn it ???

So after eating WAY too much Mexican Omelet, why do I do that ?, we went back home, vacuumed up some more damn ants ( I hate those little buggers !!) and then laid down for a 30 minute nap before heading to a friends house for a party. We were contemplating not going because we were both exhausted from all the work for the past few weeks, but I am really glad we did go. The party was at a long time friend of Joe's, a guy he grew up with, his name is Joe also. We hadn't seen him since Nicole ( the DD) got married, he played piano for her at the church and did a beautiful job. I was hoping that there was going to be some live music, and I was NOT disappointed !! Friend Joe had some of his friends there that were musicians also, and they did some jamming, it was AWESOME !! They did some Christmas music, and then just played requests, there were two guys that were both great singers, Steve and ?? I don't know the other guys name. Steve could also play the piano and guitar, of which he did both, but his voice, man it was GREAT !! Pretty soulful for a white guy ;). We got home quite late, oh about 3am....needless to say I am dragging today and it didn't help that I had a couple glasses of wine :). It was tasty though, and I hardly ever drink.

So other than picking up around the house, I think I am mostly going to do some cross stitching, I got a new kit that I want to get working on, its the Lizzie Kate " Peace, Love and a Cure" for breast cancer and I am making it for my cousin who is battling that right now.

All righty then, I'll say Ciao for now


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